Durable Dental Implants in Sauk Rapids & St. Cloud
If you're missing one or multiple teeth, you know firsthand how much it can affect your daily life. From struggling with dental health issues to being hesitant to show off your smile, missing teeth can cause a lot of frustration. Our team at the practice of Erika Theison, DDS, offers skillful dental implant services that offer you effective replacements for one, multiple, or an entire arch of missing or compromised teeth.
We provide residents in St. Cloud, Sauk Rapids, and the surrounding communities with comprehensive restorative dental treatments that help you regain oral function and health. By providing all your dental implant needs from extractions and pretreatments to implant placement and restorations, our team ensures your care is of the highest quality from beginning to end. We look forward to meeting you and learning how we can give you the smile you deserve. Contact our practice today to discover how dental implants can make you want to smile again!
What Are Dental Implants?
Dental implants are prosthetic tooth replacements that replace missing teeth from root to crown. When our dentist talks about dental implants, they'll be referring to three separate pieces placed in different stages. The three pieces that form your dental implant are:
- The Implant Post: Implant posts are small, cylindrical pieces of body-safe metal, usually made from titanium or a titanium alloy. These posts are surgically implanted into your jaw and fuse with the bone to create an exceptionally sturdy base for your tooth-shaped restoration.
- The Abutment: Abutments are placed on top of the implant post at the level of your gum line. Abutments will help ensure a comfortable and highly secure fit for your restorative tooth.
- The Restoration: Restorations are the most diverse aspect of dental implants. They are tooth-shaped pieces made of materials like zirconia or porcelain ceramic and complete the tooth replacement process. Our team provides single-tooth crowns, bridges for replacing multiple teeth in a row, and implant-supported dentures to replace up to an entire arch of teeth. We also offer both fixed dentures or removable snap-on dentures.
How Do Dental Implants Improve Oral Health & Function?
Seeking our dental implant services is an excellent way to minimize the negative health impacts of missing teeth and help you return to good oral health and function. When you lose a tooth, your remaining teeth can shift out of alignment quickly. Dental implants will help them stay in alignment. Your jawbone also suffers and can begin to shrink and deteriorate after tooth loss. Dental implants will fuse with the bone in your jaw and preserve its strength and density for a healthier oral structure.
Are Dental Implants Right for Me?
Dental implants are an excellent choice for replacing teeth for most adults and seniors. However, because getting dental implants is a surgical process, we work hard to ensure that implants are the right option for completing your smile. We'll perform a thorough dental exam and may perform advanced imaging, if required, to ensure you are a good candidate for implant placement.
Our first choice as responsible dental practitioners is repairing your natural teeth, but dental implants are often the next best choice when teeth cannot be salvaged. Some of the main factors we'll consider when deciding if implant dentistry is the right approach for replacing your teeth are:
- The condition of your physical health
- Your overall oral health
- Tobacco use
- The health, volume, density, and strength of your jawbone
In some situations, we may determine that you require more advanced care than our practice can provide. Our dentist will connect you with a trusted implant specialist that can address your complex needs and will be happy to coordinate your care in ways that make transitioning between practices easy.
Do I Need Pretreatment Before Getting Dental Implants?
We're pleased to consult with you about pretreatment options for strengthening the implant sites in your jawbone. We offer procedures like bone grafts and sinus lifts designed to increase the success and longevity of your dental implants.
- Bone grafts supply the jaw with a small amount of supplemental bone that stimulates and improves the health and strength of bone at implant sites.
- Sinus lifts lift the sinus floor and add small amounts of bone to improve the condition of your upper jawbone in the molar region.
What Is All-on-4® and How Do I Qualify?
If you need implant-supported dentures, our dentist can perform a detailed qualifying exam to determine if you're a good candidate for the All-on-4 implant process. Our traditional implant-supported dentures are generally placed on six or eight implant posts. All-on-4 uses strategic implant placement and angled posts to distribute chewing force evenly over your entire jawbone on only four posts. All-on-4 is desirable because fewer implant posts generally lead to less impact on your jawbone and can often result in faster recovery times.
Skilled Dental Implant Services in St. Cloud
The practice of Erika Theison, DDS, is committed to providing effective, efficient dental implant services that give you the functional, healthy smile you deserve. Our friendly team will be there throughout the process to answer questions and ensure you feel comfortable and confident about your procedure. Whether you've been struggling with a missing tooth for some time or have recently experienced dental trauma that requires a fixed denture, our team is happy to assist. Contact our Sauk River practice today for the dental implant services you need to complete your smile.